SPOKEN WORDS, "Stand by Me, walk & serve together"

“Stand by Me, walk & serve together” by Mark Cueto April 15/23

Stand by me, walk with me. Hand by hand in this walk of life.

Troubles may come, but as long as you’re with me I know everything will be alright.

Through every season, winter, spring, summer or fall, your love reminds me of the reason.

Why I can overcome everything and all.

Stand by me, walk with me, through good times, and even the bad.

You are a light and you give me Joy for when I am feeling sad.

I’m not always perfect and I’m not always strong

But you remind me that life is worth it that is why we dance to these songs.

Dance with me, walk with me as if we are all young and absolutely free.

Though we may have tears, there is still a lot to be thankful for, and so many moments of glee.

Life is still good because the Giver is great. His eye is always on the sparrow.

Though our sight may be weaker, we’ll forever have faith and a hope for a greater tomorrow.

Stand by me, walk with me, let’s make some beautiful memories.

Embrace me, and think of the life we spent so beautifully.

Although our generations may be apart, although we don’t always see eye to eye’

remember that you’ll have a place in my heart. I hope that gives you another reason to smile.

Stand by me, walk with me.

iCFI Program, “Seniors & Youth, connect & serve together”

May1, 2023 to April 30, 2024