New CEO and continuing coordinators of iCFI effective Dec 1, 2024.

Ms. ARMINA G ANDRES, the new Chief Executive Officer of iCFI (iCharity Foundation International).

Ms Armina Andres took an oath of service on November 23, 2024 officiated by Mr. Nicanor “Bong” Gonzales and witnessed by the whole Board of Directors & all Area Coordinators, seniors & guest during the 2024 seniors summit & year end event of iCFI.

Ms Andres, replacing Ms Marilyn M-Wilson who voluntarily served iCFI CEO for 11 years & 2 months from October 12, 2013 to November 30, 2024 stepped down for retirement effective December 1, 2024.

Ms Armina G. Andres has been an Information/Technology Officer of iCFI for more than 5 years and helped building the success of iCFI programs and activities.

Ms Andres will be working with her continuing Area Coordinators of Greater Toronto Area, East & West/North & South of Toronto such as Brampton & Mississauga, Maple, Vaughan, North York, Richmond Hill, Durham, Ajax. These all-area coordinators took an oath of service too on November 23, 2024.

The Area Coordinators are as follows:

Brampton: Ms Gina Napoto Warren

Etobicoke: Ms Imelda Gabo & Ms Anicia Bonila

Mississauga: Ms Concepcion “Connie” Pangan

North York, Maple, Vaughan & Richmond Hill: Ms Laiza Obera

Scarborough North, Durham, Ajax: Ms Susan Rivera

Scarborough South: Ms Concepcion "Connie” Pantinople Loteyro

Toronto: Ms Armina Andres

iCFI Dance Fitness Zumba Coordinators & Instructors are:

Ms. Rosalie Enriquez, Ms Lerma Mandane & Ms Rosalie Cunanan